Get Gas Cheap | Upside gas app saves $100s

Get Gas Cheap | Upside gas app saves $100s


Is there an App for cheaper gas?

When I 1st started driving the city, making videos for people interested in moving to Atlanta, I quickly realized that I needed to get gas cheap.

That’s when I was introduced to the “get upside” app. <–Click this link to get upside for free!!

I needed to get gas cheap while driving around Buford, GA
I get gas cheap because I wanted to make these driving videos, but you can get gas cheap for your commutes

I enjoy the service of letting people see the towns in Metro Atlanta that you are considering your move into, but with gas prices so high, it was becoming very expensive to burn fuel while getting 4k views of the roads, houses, and shopping centers of Atlanta.

I searched far and wide to find a solution that wouldn’t cost my audience or myself for me to get gas cheap near Atlanta.
Many people suggested that I use credit cards that give me 1.5 to 2 percent cash back on every purchase.
That is a cool solution and would get me cheap gas prices but I still felt that while credit cards help get gas cheap, I wanted to earn even more money.
The concept of upside is so good and easy that I would be wack to not share it with my audience who checks out all of my long-form videos and will probably be down in Atlanta spending high prices on gas as well, very soon.

How can I get gas for cheap?

The Upside website states that you’ll receive cash back on your everyday purchases even if you keep your shopping habits and lifestyle unchanged.

I’ve only been using this app to supplement my gas prices but you can use it and get cash back on food as well.

You’ll spend as usual (with a card or electronically) and cashback will be deposited directly to your account at Upside.

There’s no limit on how much you can earn, and Upside even works with other coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs in a similar fashion.

I’m very happy that the app uses actual dollars for everything instead of some convoluted “point’s system” that similar apps seem to use to purposely keep you confused.

I like knowing exactly what they are offering what I’ve spent and how much I’ve made spelled out in USD! 

Heading into the Racetrac to get cheap gas
You won’t have to pay the Gas Prices Posted

The GetUpside app is one of many cash-back apps on the market, but the technique to redeem your cash-back earnings is unique because you do it in person instead of online.

All you need is your phone to redeem your cash back and save money.

As soon as you sign up to download the GetUpside app, open the app and look for cash-back offers in your area on gas, groceries, and restaurants.

The app is free to download for iPhones running iOS v. 10.0.

The logo you will be looking for is this guy right here:

use get upside and get gas cheap
this is the logo you want when you are ready to get gas cheap

How do you beat high gas prices? Gas Money saving Trifecta

I’ve single-handedly come up with the Gas-Money saving Trifecta.

  • When I see that my gas is running low, I turn on the upside app while deciding which closest gas station to get gas cheap.

They give you an actual map of all of the gas stations surrounding your current area.

Luck usually has it that Racetrac is going to give me the most cash back.

I’ve actually sometimes seen over $.27 back for each gallon when I search for gas near me.

Some may feel like this is “chump change” but when you fill up your tank and have paid $3 per gallon instead of $3.20 per gallon, you could wind up saving quite a few dollars.

The New York Times doesn’t think these savings are insignificant.

  • To sweeten the deal while in the store, I will also open and use the fetch rewards app that I also have installed on my phone.

Fetch will promote the latest offers from big brand companies like Pepsi, Doritos, and other well-known products that you will probably want to get from stopping at the gas station anyway.

Fetch works with a confusing points system but from what I’ve gathered, every 1000 points they give you is worth about a dollar.

Today I earned 4000 points just for trying out a new Pepsi product called Pepsi Nitro. (I think this was their way of getting people to try out new products, but I was thirsty anyway.)

  • Then, to ice the gas money-saving cake that I’m baking, I will open my Ractrac rewards app.

on my phone and show them my bar code and have them scan it at the register before I get gas cheap and Snacks.

It’s great to earn free drinks and sometimes almost $.10 per gallon when using Racetrac’s premium membership which I just signed up for and it’s about $2.50 per month.


using the fetch app in combination with upside helped me get back even more money
after you use the upside app to get gas, take a picture of the receipt and send it to fetch.

None of these apps seem to have a problem being used at the same time. 

I also have a Kroger Plus card, so I guess I could probably use some of these same strategies but I have yet to try.

Plus I think my car is used to Racetrac Gas

What is the cheapest day to buy gasoline?

Since not all gas stations have the exact same price range, it’s vital to have an understanding of where to get gas cheap while filling up.

I’ve been sticking to Racetrac, not only because of the semi-monopoly it seems to have on gas stations around Atlanta but because I also receive the extra $.10 per gallon rewards by being a member.

Keeping an eye on the price can also assist you if you want to know whether it’s time to get gas.

The prices can change as quickly as hourly.

The Upside App will even ask you to help them keep updated prices on their site by punching in what you see so everyone can get gas cheap.

The Gas Buddy lead gas price analyst, Patrick De Haan, stated that generally speaking, gas prices tend to be at the cheapest point at the start of the week, on Monday and Tuesday.

If you don’t want to use upside you can check the gas prices in your area on the AAA website

How to find cheap gas near me?

The upside app automatically shows you all of the going rates for gas in your neighborhood.

It’s then up to you to select which gas station you want to travel to.

I usually do cost analysis and go to whichever gas station is closest, cheapest, and has the most reward points to give.

If you are not sure where you would like to live in Atlanta, check out my YouTube Channel all about Moving to Atlanta.

I have videos of driving around the city and some great recommendations about where to eat live and play.

Knowing the my gas will be cheaper makes driving around Atlanta worth it.
I get gas cheap so I can drive around Atlanta in peace.
Is it going to change your financial life?

The margins of cashback you will receive from getting upside turns out to be a lot better than getting cash back from most credit cards when buying gas.

So, my official answer to my Get Upside review is No… At least not if you do nothing to make this extra money work for you, like buying stocks or using the gas to fund your youtube driving channel.

But, at the end of the day, it is 100% absolutely free money that would have gone to someone else but is instead coming to you.

They’ve recently even made the app easier to use because you no longer have to check in or take pictures of your receipts.

The app locates where you are, you confirm which credit card you will be using to get gas cheap and they will take care of the rest.

How does Get Upside pay you when you get gas cheap?

You usually receive your cashback earnings on your app within a week.

The money can easily be cashed out to your bank account, forwarded to your PayPal account, or used to buy gift cards.

The benefits outweigh any hassle you may feel by a long shot.

Most people have their phones in their hands when walking into gas stations from the car anyway.

Although it’s not necessary, combining the upside app with the fetch app, which I did an entire video about below, is the best secret sauce I’ve found to get gas cheap in Atlanta.

This is the closest thing to getting free gas that you will find in the world.

You can also do what I did and become an affiliate of theirs by just sharing their code.

I’ve been sending this link to all of my friends and family and now when they get gas, we all get rewarded.

Will Upside get me cheaper gas if I live in another state?

My family lives all over the country.

The app works.

One of my cousins was interested in knowing if he could get gas cheap near New Jersey.

The app is international, it’s worked everywhere I’ve been, even when I drive rental cars.

If there are states where this app does not work, I don’t know anything about it.

if you need to get gas cheap near Belleville, NJ the upside app will work.

Download Upside to your phone right now. IT’S FREE to use

Those extra minutes walking into the gas stations will be getting you cash back so you can get gas cheap, like a King!


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