How to fix your Credit for Free | Travel like a King

How to fix your Credit for Free | Travel like a King


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My Credit got better so I went with the chase card

When your credit is bad, the entire world is hard to maneuver.

You will be denied home loans, Apartment Loans, Car Loans, and even some jobs will not hire you until you get it under control.

The worst part is you will need a home and job and most likely a car to stabilize your life and start rebuilding your credit.

A lot of people go through this after a divorce. They will have their whole life and finances tied up in a fantasy that things were going to remain the same forever, then boom. Your entire life starts to crumble.

Fix your Credit

Sign up for Credit Karma

Get the free version and take a look at what's being reported about you. You may find things on there that don't belong

You will most likely see a lot of things on there that do belong but in order to face this problem, you have to know how big the problem is.

Get a Secured Credit Card

One of the easiest ways to kickstart your credit journey is by getting a Secured Credit card.

You will usually have to make a deposit of a couple of hundred dollars. Then whatever you put in your account, will be your credit limit.

For instance, if you deposit $200, you will have a $200 credit limit.

This will be just like having a credit card with $200 on it that you can spend anywhere and however you'd like.

Here is the trick though

Credit Karma specifically states that if you keep your credit card balance down to 10 - 30% of your total balance, your Fico score will increase significantly, month to month.

Stay Away from the Fingerhut card that they will offer you. It is useless!

Get yourself a Capital One Secured credit card and you will be well on your way.

Secured Credit Card

Set up a Recurring Bill on your Secured Card

What I've done in the past, and what I suggest you do, is find a recurring bill that is exactly 20% of your total deposit, and set up monthly autopay through this new card.

That way, each month, a company will take that bill's amount out of your new credit card balance automatically on the same date each month.

I also suggest you do it before the 10th day of each month, which is also when the Credit bureaus run their monthly check.

I set my Amazon Prime account which was about $13 a month at the time to autopay on my secured credit card.

That was a crappy-looking MasterCard that had a total limit of $200 that I secured.

I even got rid of the card so I could never touch the other $170 I deposited on it.

I also had my Debit card automatically pay the $13 back to the Secured card every month around the 15-20th.

This went on for about 8 months and everything went like clockwork.

Fix your Credit like a King

Start paying off old bills

Surprisingly, In the first month, my credit score jumped by 40+ points.

I also started paying off old bills starting with whichever outstanding bill had the highest interest rates.

See the last step for the strategy I used to get delinquent bills removed.

After about 6 months of using this strategy, I was eligible for an unsecured credit card.

It was actually a brand of card that I wasn't embarrassed to show when paying for things, lol.

In about 1 year, I started getting offers for some of the coolest, most sort-after credit cards that offered the most cash back on purchases and Travel Perks.

Here is my video review of the Card that I chose to be my Go-To Credit Card, especially when traveling.

Everything happened very fast.

Credit Repair Service: Pay Someone to Fix my Credit

When I was on this journey, I went into my credit karma account and disputed EVERYTHING on it.

I actually got some of the items removed by just saying they were wrong.

It was a great improvement to my credit score. It also relieved a whole lot of stress.

You will not realize how much stress you are carrying when you have a bad credit score until it starts improving.

I received a tip from someone who I loved very much at the time, to contact a guy called. Harvey the Credit Houdini.

When I first heard of him, I laughed.

Why would I pay someone with the money I could be used to pay down my bills?

However, the Joke was on me.

When I personally saw what he did with her credit, I paid him quicker than Kitt using Turbo Boost.

He was able to skyrocket my Fico score in a matter of weeks instead of the years it would have taken me to do it on my own.

More importantly "POOF" some of the most stubborn strikes on my credit report were wiped away clean.

Knowing that I am no longer on the hook for charges that seemed would never go away is a feeling you really have to experience for yourself.

I'm not sure of his methods but I know they are legal because he very freely advertises his services all over the place, and has been doing so for years.

Fix My Credit

I've been recommending him to everyone who mentions "bad credit" to me.

Everyone I've sent to him has been VERY SATISFIED with how he improved their credit scores and credit eligibility.

Steps to repair credit
Get a Secured Credit Card Attach recurring Bill Credit Repairing Agency
You won't be denied Establishes Credit History Erases unfair charges
Same perks of using a Credit Card Only use 15%-30% So many dept relief options the general public isn't aware of


Your travel life does not have to suffer just because you've decided to begin your journey of credit repair.

Getting your credit score up is a much quicker and easier process than I ever imagined.

I am no financial expert and the links I've provided are sponsored links that may pay me at a rate that I've negotiated with each entity involved.

But rest assured, I have used this strategy myself and the whole process is Passport Kings Approved.

So go out and fix your credit so you can walk into any office and be treated like a King...

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