Islands with the Sexiest Women in 2022

Islands with the Sexiest Women in 2022


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I never recommend anything I haven't tried myself”

Youtube video cover about Sexiest Women in the Caribbean

Where in the world are the Sexiest Island Girls?

Getting to the Islands to check out the Sexy Women has been a struggle for the past 2 years.

The pandemic has played a horrible role in bringing a lot of leisure travel to a stop.

These exotic females on these islands are waiting for us to land our planes directly into their parted hangers so we can come onto their islands with a smile on our faces.

Today on Passport Kings we're finally pulling out our Passports and getting them stamped in places surrounded by sexy women who've spent their entire lives being sunkissed by breathtaking island conditions.

Before I start this countdown, I have to inform you that just because you can find beautiful women on these islands, that doesn't mean these places are paradise.

Socioeconomic issues may be present which can get you caught in a Jam if you arent playing everything by the book while out there.

Travel at your own risk, but just make sure to be respectful and educated about other's cultures and you'll be fine.

Oh Yeah, and Make sure you like and Subscribe to the Channel so you can know when my new videos arrive.

OK, Here we go:

2 Pretty Caribbean Women

8: Barbados

A lot of people got mad at me when I said people should try out the Barbados carnival ahead of the Trinidad Carnival.

My reasoning was that you are almost guaranteed to have an unforgettable time with incredibly sexy women who will actually be digging you.

Looking at the last few Carnivals in Barbados, "CHEESE ON BREAD" the women have been getting kind of large. It's amazing that their little outfits are holding together

But don't let that steer you away. The rest of the chicks in Barbados are some of God's sexiest creatures. We all need to go down there and try to convince them to stay away from the 2nd and 3rd orders of Cou Cou and Flying Fish.

Actually, Carnival is a Megas Event and may NOT be the best time to visit Barbados if you want to meet the authentic sexy Barbadians or Bajans. The higher the monkey climbs, the more he does show his tail.

Sounds nuts, but if you've ever been to Barbados, you know what I'm talking about.

Haitian Woman drinks tea in bed

7: Haiti

Unfortunately, every time the mainstream media has shown us anything to do with Haiti, the country and its people are always in its worst state.

They may even do the hit job of comparing Haiti to its Hispaniola neighbor DR while not taking into consideration the history of the Haitian People and their Colonizers from France.

But even with the Adversities from outside forces and Baren farmland, Haiti produces some of the most amazing looking, richly melanated women in the world.

These women are strong in the most feminine ways possible.

Their bodies look like they belong in superhero comics penciled by Jim Lee.

Haiti must have dodged a lot of the forced mixing that took place on other islands because their melanin is still intact.

Unfortunately, I don't sell a lot of vacations to Haiti beyond cruises that stop there. The Recent Earthquakes have really taken a toll on the tourism industry in Haiti

But if you're still going to find one of the Beautiful Women that only Haiti can produce, the cooler months are November to March and the most touristy areas are in Labadie and the Historic Citadell.

Pretty Woman from Guadeloupe

6: Guadeloupe

To get to Guadeloupe, you're going to need to have proof of your Vaccine and a Negative Covid test.

The Creole, french speaking women will welcome you to their island with open arms. and LEGumes from the Wetlands of Guadeloupe will keep you full.

The Weather is warm and dry from December to May.

Who, what, when where why, and offer a link or best time to go.

The pretty women in Guadeloupe love going to the beach, and that's not just filler, they really, really love the beach.

Their families are all beach enthusiasts, so you better be ready to swim in women.

Have you been to any of the countries I've mentioned so far? Would they have been higher on your list? Respectfully Make your own list in the comment section so I can get a chance to read your opinion about the subject.

Very nice looking Jamaican Woman in the Trees

5: Jamaica

Beauties in Jamaica have sexiness written all over their faces. There must be something in the jerk chicken because below their waist will look like track stars.

Above the waist, they put the Melons in Melanated.

The Jamaican gyals are will have a lot of in-school education and street smarts, but what will draw you to them is their appetite to have a good time.

Like the Jamaican men, most of them look unapproachable. When you first meet them, it will seem they either want you to leave them alone or drop dead.

They are very protective of their personal space and privacy.

But once you win them over, it will be like having the best friend with benefits that you wish you had had since you went through puberty.

Even if it never becomes a long-term thing, Jamaican women will always hold a special place in their hearts for you, and you will for them.

That Stella movie is just the female version of people going to Jamaica to get their groove back.

Dudes can go to Jamaica and get their groove back just as well. It just won't be with as many theatrics.

Book your Trip to Jamaica ASAP
Sexy Puerto Rican woman on a Jet Ski

4: Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has won 5900 Miss World Beuty Pageants...

not really, but every time I produce a contest like this, someone is in my comments stressing about some beauty pageant wins.

In all reality, I and most men don't give a {Bleep} about no {Bleeping} pageants.

They are usually run by 1 of Donald Trump's companies and they choose winners based on who looks the most European.

The actual truth is, the less these contestants look European, the better they look, to me.

Regular Bodequas are always in tip-top, hourglass shape.

Their skin color goes from as dark as coal to as bright as 95 bright printer paper.

The most beautiful Puerto Rican women to me, are the same color as banana pudding.

Many of them taste like Banana Pudding.

They exercise a lot because they are very self-conscious about their shape, you will swear some of them had their bodies done when they really haven't.

But many of them do get plastic surgery.

At least when most Puerto Rican women do the plastic surgery thing, most of them never seem to want to go overboard.

But some of them will feel like a blowup doll.

Sexy Dominican Chick

3: Dominican Republic

You will find some well-to-do women and some straight-up bummy chicks in the Dominican Republic, but both types of women will be extremely good-looking.

A lot of this may just be their hustling skills or their traditional way of being raised but they are not ordinary when it comes to knowing what a man wants from a woman.

and they Deliver.

From being thick in only the right areas, real and sexy hair to carrying a flirtatious but meaningful conversation during first encounters, these chicks have it all.

The only setback is that they do this with everyone. As a wise brother named 89Land has famously quoted #TPAY... "it ain't yours, it's just your turn."

(Know the Rules so you won't be out here looking like a Got Damn fool)

Now if you choose to accept this mission, You're in for the ride of a lifetime with a "Leche thief."

Coming into DR, from the airport, makes you rethink life and how you're willing to allow and not allow other women of the world to treat to.

You'll be like, oh is this how I as a man should've been treated all my life?

They make it hard, without even meaning to, for a countdown like this to be banged out, without them being on top of the poll.

Women from Trinidad and Tobago

2: Trinidad and Tobago

Dope shapes, pretty faces, and sexy as hell.

Do ya'll remember King, Black Men, and Smooth Magazines from the 90s? They had all of the Video Vixens who were pretending to be becoming fashion models?

Yeah, well all the women from Trinidad look like the Cover Models from your favorite issues.

The only problem with women from Trinidad is how patriotic they are to Trinidad.

Almost every sentence begins with "I'm from Trinidad!"

But at least while you're listening to the 100th dissertation of why Trinidad has the most beautiful women in the islands, you will be staring into 1 of the most beautiful faces that god has ever constructed from his Jesus Juice.

It's not all hype!

Trinidad women take very good care of their shapes.

The best time to visit Trinidad is between January and May.

This island isn't in most Caribbean Hurricanes' paths, but you will get a lot of short-term afternoon showers.

Picture of YouTube Page called Women of the World

Before I get to number 1 let me tell you where to find all of my Sexy Women Countdowns.

This video is part 1 of 4 of the final Sexy Woman countdown you will find on the Passport Kings Travel Youtube Channel.

All other Sexy Women Coundowns will be exclusively found on my New YouTube Channel Called "Women of the World".

I'm doing this because these types of videos on the Passport Kings Channel are in conflict with the Travel Sponsors that I choose to do business with.

This is actually a great thing though, because now on this Passport Kings Youtube Travel channel, will only be reviews of resorts abroad, and videos like where to stay when visiting the Caribbean Islands. And Africa, South America, and Europe-based countdowns and news stories.

But on the Women of the World Channel, I won’t have to be so careful with what I say, what I show, or how many pairs of them I show. On Women of the World countdowns, I will no longer need to be Watered Down.

We’re recreating the wild wild west over there.

If you’ve ever looked at one of my travel videos and the only burning question you had was was “Yeah, but how are they women treating the men over there?” My Women of the World channel will answer all of your questions and go into great detail.

Sexy Chicks Abroad is the name of the game on the Women of the World Channel and you will feel right at home.

Alright, now Number 1 is:

Women from Dominica Smiles

1. Dominica:

All-Natural Beauty

If you are only into fake booties and boobs, this place may not be for you.

The women here are in peak shape and it's all-natural.

But even better than being all-natural is the perkiness of their Personalities.

I haven't met one woman from Dominica that was not an all-around nice person.

It's actually a good thing that the Sun is doing a thorough job of giving these women all of the vitamin D they can handle, at least until I get back down there.

These chicks are so beautiful, they won my last few countdowns as well.

It's been years since Passport Kings has made a Beautiful women countdown.

I'm ready to do a lot more and they will be on the Women of the World Youtube Channel.

When I've spread the word about Dominica in the past, many people thought I was referring to the Dominican Republic.

I'm sure the women from this island are TIRED of explaining the difference.

I'm not even from there and I'm tired of explaining this difference!

But for 1 last time, the HUGE and REAL assets that contrast some of the most important things that make you decide who is the sexiest.

Ask anyone who has been to Dominica and they will tell you, that hands down Dominica is the Island with the sexiest Women in 2022

And I'm telling you to get on a plane and goo visit them like a King...

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