The last time I made a countdown about the Caribbean Islands
with the most beautiful women, a lot of people in the comments wholeheartedly agreed with my assessments. But like I said in that video, it was a beauty contest only. I didn’t take any other factors into consideration. This time I will.It’s getting cold in the USA right now.
I’m ready to split back to the Islands. The last time I made a countdown about the Caribbean Islands with the most beautiful women, a lot of people in the comments wholeheartedly agreed with my assessments. But like I said in that video, it was a beauty contest only. I didn’t take any other factors into consideration. This time I will. Most women from the Caribbean look like they walked right out of the sun.They are usually Melonated or tanned to perfection, they are smart and they regularly have hourglass shapes that the most expensive plastic surgeons can’t realistically reproduce.
But what’s the use of running to one of these islands to meet a beautiful chick if you wind up getting stomped out as soon as you get off the plane? We are going to be looking at island safety, and all around friendliness to make sure you have a peaceful experience when meeting one of these women from the Top 10 Caribbean islands with the most beautiful women 2019 . 1 disclaimer though, If I pronounce anything wrong in this video, I am all ears if you want to send me the correct pronunciations if you do it with good intentions, but if you are trying to Mock me or act like I’m dumb just because I mispronounced one of the countries wrong, lets not forget that there is no such place as AmehDeeka. We can all be bullies if wanted to but the fact is, We would be better of getting to know each other because we all could learn a lot from each other.
Is one of the ABC islands along with (Curacao and Bonaire) it’s pretty
a much tourist heaven. I was in Aruba back in 2015. The local clubs and action are right in the midst of the tourist area. You will meet plenty of beautiful local women that work in the stores and hang out at the clubs. It’s great because you really won’t need to go off of the beaten path. They look tropically exotic and they don’t have to try hard to be beautiful, they just can’t help it. Stay in Oranjestad which is where I stayed. The stats show that there is a very low possibility of being the victim of a crime. I felt beyond safe the entire time. Everything is super relaxed. Some say the influx of refugees from Venezuela could impact the safety that this island has enjoyed for forever, but actually it’s still a very friendly place and you may even meet a beautiful down to earth Venezuelan chick that could magnify your experience 2 fold. I suggest staying at the Renaissance hotel. That way you can utilize the easy and free boat taxi to get access to Iguana Beach and Flamingo Island.
9.Cayman Islands: It doesn't take Cayman Rum Punch to realize why airlines and resorts are investing so much new money into this British Territory. The weather and scenery is dope but it’s the beautiful women here who make you want to cum again and again, back to this island. The women are such beautiful flowers that I’m sure they have to fight off bees and butterflies from trying to land on them. The hot Caribbean sun is always kissing these women right on the lips in the spot you will want to kiss. Not only that but these women are brilliant. And you will want to as well. Carnival, each May is the biggest event of the year, where the women show their creativity of costume creation and ability to twerk some. Crime is way down “on the rock” as they call Grand Cayman, and watching them parade down the street will have you on the Rock too!
8.Dominican Republic. I’ve visited the DR on several occasions. One thing is certain, you will

they don’t get stolen.
7.St. Maarten.
The culture is a blend of African and European Heritage. It can be described as 2 islands mixed into 1 but it was voted the friendliest island in 2014. You’ve probably seen a lot of pictures f the Maho beach where the planes gets really close overhead while landing. but you also need to hike to Pics Paradise drinking Guavaberry and eating Conk. You will find some very beautiful women around Yvetts in the French Quarter and G’s Snack in Grand Case if it’s still open. That is where the local women hang out, and if your game and personality don’t suck, you’ll be sure to hit it off with one of the most beautiful women in the Caribbean.If you rent a car, you may stick out like an easy victim so get a French license plates if you can, and don’t go strolling down dark alleys after 6pm.
While certainly still having the most beautiful women according to the countdown back in 2018 these Women are friendly when they know that you are well aware that you are a guest on their island and not the center of it. . If these women were words on a page, they would be the fine print. They take education seriously and the certainly take looking good seriously. The women who attend their carnival will make you forget about Brazil’s carnival for a couple of months. Drugs and Gangs are present in Trinidad but they really ain’t thinking about you as a tourist if you are not trying to come take over and be a new drug kingpin. Just enjoy your time there and let the women enjoy your visit. You will meet beauty and sexiness that it will be hard to forget.
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4.St. Lucia is full of volcanoes and upscale resorts, there's a little island named Choiseul were women are extremely beautiful and they have the beautiful temperament towards visitors to match. The women skin look like lattes from starbucks. God or whatever you believe in was obviously showing off when he made the women in the st. Lucia. St. Lucia is home to 180,000 people, this beautiful tropical island is not overcrowded and not hurting for anything. St Lucians are relatively well-off, and crime rates are low.
3.Jamaica. There are 3 types women of Jamaica women, the wack ones, the sexy one and the even sexier one. If you stay in Jamaica for any period of time, you will absolutely run across one who will make you wish you were cross eyed so you could always see her twice! They will make your curious about what they do for a living aside from being sexy. The few times I visited Jamaica, I fell in love with the people, the food and the scenery. Jamaica is DOPE! Crime is hardly ever a problem when you are at the resorts or touring the city. Just don’t walking around looking like an easy target. Take the same safety precautions you would take in the states and be aware of your surroundings. 9 times out of 10 you won’t have any problems as long as you're not an a-hole. The 2 resorts I’ve recommend in recent videos were Grand Palladium, which you can see my entire video about here and Iberostar Rose hall that is featured in my video about the first time I visited Jamaica. Jamaica has left a really positive impression on me and the women there will leave a positive impression on you.
2.St. Kitts and Nevis: You may need open heart surgery when you visit these island because your heart will be stolen upon arrival. The women are first rate. Attractive is an understatement. While looking in their eyes you can see beauty, looking into their soul you will see passion, looking at their mind you will see intelligence and while looking at their hips, you’ll realize you have an erection. The crime rates are almost non-existent. See if you can visit during the St. Kitts and Nevis National parade which happens right around the end of the year leading up to Christmas and new years. The street will host a series of Parades and Sexy street performances.
1.Guadeloupe: When I mentioned this island in my last countdown, many many people acted like I pulled my pronunciation of it out of thin air. They said, hahaha you don’t even know how to pronounce the island so why are you talking about it. Mind you, this complaint came mostly from people who were not even from this island and probably never visited. The friendly people of Guadalupe reached out to me and asked me why I pronounced their island that like that and in a very friendly demeanor. Guadalupe women will talk to you with a straight face that will be so warm and comforting that you could melt. When I explained to them that that is what I was taught in the elementary schools in New York City while doing projects to learn about the Caribbean islands, they understood wholeheartedly as they were also aware of how it’s a lot of times mispronounced. They even echoed my sentiments that the people that were uptight about how I pronounced it were probably not from there. Guadeloupe women are Seafood Chefs from another world. This list has been about beauty which they easily win and they are in islands that sees almost no crime but to top it off, they cook seafood better than anything you could recreate from recipes on the food channel. Meeting women from Guadeloupe will make you want to pack up and move their and never come home again.
And that was my countdown, do you agree? Leave a comment below. Do you want a free book about how to make money online so you can travel more? Fill out the 3 question questionnaire at
Some people say looks aren't everything, I say, it’s a start! If you mainly travel because you love being an international trick, you could easily find what you are looking for in any of these islands, some more than others. But, if you have the chance to find a special lady from 1 of these 10 Caribbean Islands with the most beautiful women in 2019, it will be well worth it. Just don’t be one of them 40 day fiance fools. Work on your self esteem and self worth. Work out, Master the industry you work in because that will boost confidence in yourself. So when you shoot your shot, they won’t be looking at you like you’re a thirsty Amehdeekan pushover. They will treat you like a like a king!
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