You want to book cheap last minute flights?
There are several ways to do it. Today on Passport Kings I am going to tell you about the 10 travel tips that I use to book cheap last minute flights. These work for when you want to book cheap domestic flights in USA and some of them work when you are booking cheap last minute flights overseas.
Airlines can be pretty stubborn when it comes to flight prices
To Book cheap last minute flights can be confusing.
Even a few of my clients wanted to know how to get cheap airfares. A lot of times the flight ticket prices, even on budget travel, is so tight that I usually don't even make commission when I book cheap tickets at the last minute. Hopefully some of these hacks (I don't really want to call them hacks) but some of these ways are how to get your air travel for cheap. If you can, use my booking engine:
To Book cheap last minute flights can be confusing.
Even a few of my clients wanted to know how to get cheap airfares. A lot of times the flight ticket prices, even on budget travel, is so tight that I usually don't even make commission when I book cheap tickets at the last minute. Hopefully some of these hacks (I don't really want to call them hacks) but some of these ways are how to get your air travel for cheap. If you can, use my booking engine:
When I need to book cheap domestic flights in USA there are a few good tips and tricks that I use. Today on Passport kings, I’m sharing this information with you.
When I want to book cheap last minute flights in USA there are some tricks that I’ve picked up along the way. They are not rocket science or "secrets," but there are some ways to fly throughout the USA and save a lot more than the passenger sitting next to you. Of course, the best way to get the cheapest flights is to plan way in advance, but as we all know, sometimes that is not an option. A lot of times with my travel business, I wont even book a flight for a client for like the next day for instance because I know they will be getting a shocking sticker shock. On the last few days before take off, flight prices can be double to triple what you could have paid if you would have just booked the flight a week in advance. But when you are in the pinch and just need to book cheap last minute flights, these are some of the ways I suggest that you wind up with a reasonable price.
10. Check with Frontier or Spirit. And if you are in Europe, use easy jet.
These fares are best when traveling alone. You can save you hundreds of dollars with these airlines when you book cheap last minute flights. These carriers generally have a bad reputation and some is deserved, but some isn't. If your goal is to get from A to B by air, Frontier and Spirit is the way to go. If you need to be pampered, wined and dined while in the air for a few hours, you probably should gather up more money and look elsewhere. The downsides of using the below economy fares comes when If you are with a party of 2 or more, you may not sit together. The seats are assigned for you at the gate. Some, and I do mean SOME gate agents or passengers on the plane may have mercy on you and let your family sit together, but that's a total gamble. Usually you can pay extra to choose your seat, but that may run the price right back up to what you were trying to avoid paying. The seats are not very comfortable, especially on frontier and seem to be made out of lightly cushioned plastic. Also these airlines will charge extra for bags, so if possible. If you get caught up at the door of one of these planes trying to get luggage on that's bigger than the sizes you agreed upon when choosing all of the cheapest options possible, they will make you pay and the luggage at the gate will cost a lot more than they would on regular airlines. People who complain about these budget options are usually to blame for what they are mad about. Everything they expect from you is written out in plain English. If you choose not to read it, that does not mean it was “fine” print, it just means you may have been trying to get over on them. Pack as light as you can and don’t expect anything extra and your flight will be just fine.
9. Be Flexible on dates and destinations:
Check to see if you book a "one-way " ticket (in each direction) or check for another close "departure " city to flight out of, would it be cheaper. I live in Atlanta and that's not possible to do since we only have one airport, but most cities in the USA has additional airports that are not that far away from each other. Some airports have higher landing fees, so if you live 30-50miles away from your home city , it may be cheaper to just DRIVE or Uber first to either a smaller or larger airport in that city and land in another city also See if Round trip will be cheaper and Book as many days in advance as possible. When you are in the booking engine check if one day before or one day after of your trip would make things cheaper. Most booking engines will highlight that leaving a day before or a day after will drop the price
8.Work in the business or Become friends with and/or marry a pilot or flight attendant!
These fares are best when traveling alone. You can save you hundreds of dollars with these airlines when you book cheap last minute flights. These carriers generally have a bad reputation and some is deserved, but some isn't. If your goal is to get from A to B by air, Frontier and Spirit is the way to go. If you need to be pampered, wined and dined while in the air for a few hours, you probably should gather up more money and look elsewhere. The downsides of using the below economy fares comes when If you are with a party of 2 or more, you may not sit together. The seats are assigned for you at the gate. Some, and I do mean SOME gate agents or passengers on the plane may have mercy on you and let your family sit together, but that's a total gamble. Usually you can pay extra to choose your seat, but that may run the price right back up to what you were trying to avoid paying. The seats are not very comfortable, especially on frontier and seem to be made out of lightly cushioned plastic. Also these airlines will charge extra for bags, so if possible. If you get caught up at the door of one of these planes trying to get luggage on that's bigger than the sizes you agreed upon when choosing all of the cheapest options possible, they will make you pay and the luggage at the gate will cost a lot more than they would on regular airlines. People who complain about these budget options are usually to blame for what they are mad about. Everything they expect from you is written out in plain English. If you choose not to read it, that does not mean it was “fine” print, it just means you may have been trying to get over on them. Pack as light as you can and don’t expect anything extra and your flight will be just fine.
9. Be Flexible on dates and destinations:
Check to see if you book a "one-way " ticket (in each direction) or check for another close "departure " city to flight out of, would it be cheaper. I live in Atlanta and that's not possible to do since we only have one airport, but most cities in the USA has additional airports that are not that far away from each other. Some airports have higher landing fees, so if you live 30-50miles away from your home city , it may be cheaper to just DRIVE or Uber first to either a smaller or larger airport in that city and land in another city also See if Round trip will be cheaper and Book as many days in advance as possible. When you are in the booking engine check if one day before or one day after of your trip would make things cheaper. Most booking engines will highlight that leaving a day before or a day after will drop the price
8.Work in the business or Become friends with and/or marry a pilot or flight attendant!
If you are Married to a Flight Attendant or Pilot, in most cases, you will get the same employee benefits that they get. If you are just friends with one, The "buddy passes" which are not as flexible are still great! Just understand that you will be on standby: Meaning, that only if a flight is about to take off and the seats are not full, will they let you on. Most times you will still have to pay for a fraction of the gas being used on that plane and some international fees that everyone on the plane paid. Just remember that flying this way takes a lot of patience and sometimes you need pure luck. Most importantly, you need to NOT catch an attitude with Gate agents if things don’t go your way. There are usually plenty of flights going to the destination you need per day. If you are not called for the first one, you will need to wait for the next one leaving out. This is best for flying to unpopular destinations and on dates that the whole world isnt flying, because you are going to need the flight to not be full when you get to the airport, if it is, you will be left. If you are currently in a relationship with a woman who is in between jobs or hates their job, try to encourage them to fill out applications to become a flight attendant. They will either take it as a complement and go for it, or take it as a compliment and laugh. Either way, they will take it as a compliment. If that doesn't work, maybe you can get a career in the airline industry yourself:
7. Compare different Engines

Of course I am going to tell you to check the Passport Kings Booking engine first, you can find that at but also keep an eye on Skyscanner and Momondo. These services will keeps an eye on the skies for you. A tip to add here is to remember to erase the cookies in your browser and Use incognito mode on chrome: This is may be just a theory but Websites have what’s called cookies which keeps track of your browsing habits. Cookies were made so websites could offer you things that they think you would like instead of giving you a mental overload and showing you everything under the internet’s sun. Cookies also have the ability to see what you’ve been searching for and if they see that you have been eyeing a vacation to the Bahamas lately, the cookies will let the booking engine know. The booking engine will then try to make sure they get the most money out of you as possible. Clearing you cookies and using incognito mode limits cookie abilities. It will be like you are using your computer for the first time and the cookies will have no browsing history to reference, so you are more free to book cheap last minute flights.

Of course I am going to tell you to check the Passport Kings Booking engine first, you can find that at but also keep an eye on Skyscanner and Momondo. These services will keeps an eye on the skies for you. A tip to add here is to remember to erase the cookies in your browser and Use incognito mode on chrome: This is may be just a theory but Websites have what’s called cookies which keeps track of your browsing habits. Cookies were made so websites could offer you things that they think you would like instead of giving you a mental overload and showing you everything under the internet’s sun. Cookies also have the ability to see what you’ve been searching for and if they see that you have been eyeing a vacation to the Bahamas lately, the cookies will let the booking engine know. The booking engine will then try to make sure they get the most money out of you as possible. Clearing you cookies and using incognito mode limits cookie abilities. It will be like you are using your computer for the first time and the cookies will have no browsing history to reference, so you are more free to book cheap last minute flights.

I’ve heard people say, that buying tickets from the actual airport counter to get a cheaper price is hit or miss when you want to book cheap last minute flights. I know for a fact that I was able to book cheap last minute flights in person at the counter. I’ve done it when I flew to Costa Rica and I’ve done it when going to Dominican Republic. One person argued me down and told me it was cheaper because I was going international. I’ve done some research and found that not to be true. Airlines have a fee called Website convenience fees that are added to your ticket price when you purchase tickets online. If you have any old receipt from traveling by air, look at the charges that were included with your price. Some airlines call it CIC which stands for Carrier Interface Charge. When you physically go down to the airport and buy your ticket, which you should do as far in advance as possible, that CIC fee will not be included and your ticket. The price will be cheaper.
5. Award Stacking
which is sometimes called Travel Hacking will save you more money on flights than any other strategy I've heard of. The price of the flights is the number 1 factor that keeps people from going on the adventures that they have always dreamed of. Learn the 6 steps that will cut the time it takes for you to save for vacations, in half! ?? Sometimes even less than half! In this Course you will learn:
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The Relationship between Credit Card companies and Airline companies have become so symbiotic that now you can use loopholes to get extraordinary discounts and freebies from both. To get those loopholes you are going to need specific strategies. The program at WHY NOT FLY FOR FREE guarantees to teach you those strategies. I've used them myself to expand my life of freedom and true happiness. is the link to get started.
4. Type in Airline Promo Codes into Google (Google is your friend)
A lot of people use discount codes when shopping using sites like retailmenot and just typing in the the word coupon code after the product they are searching for. This same method can sometimes be used for typing in flights and airlines. Now this is really hit or miss, but it has worked for some of my subscribers in the past. Try it out on your next flight and remember to put quotation marks around the word coupon code. This way google will not show you things that are related but will show you results that have that exact term within the quotation marks. Give it a shot.

If you prefer to fly first class or business class and the first part of the trip is the long one, like say you are going from NYC to SAN DIEGO, there will probably be a connection in LAX. Since the 2nd half of your flight is so short, you can get economy class from SAN to LAX and probably on a different airline. So decide if booking 2 tickets in different classes instead of one will make a difference. Make sure to check other airlines when you are choosing this method.

When airlines are deciding on what price to charge people they take a lot of data into consideration. One of the main things they look at how busy flights are on certain days, they would prefer that every flight of every day is full. The truth is people just don’t fly on as much on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you are going on a weekend trip, chances are you would like to be at your destination, sitting down and talking to your friends and family on Saturdays. No one wants to be flying on Saturday morning, afternoon or evening. You will be able to book cheap last minute flights on Saturdays because the airports and planes are usually a lot more empty than usual. The same principle applies to Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Most Vacations are planned from Thursday to Monday. Every vacation spot you visit will be going back to normal work days for the locals on around Monday Morning and it is when most tourist leave. Shifting your vacation accordingly may have you missing one of the best days to be in your destination, but hey, you will definitely save on airlines.
1. Hidden Cities
Now this last way to buy cheap last minute airline tickets is something that I am totally against you using. I am mentioning it because a lot of people say this is the best way to get cheaper tickets and they are willing to take the risk, I’m not. This method is called Hidden Cities. It’s become popular from sites like skiplag: Airlines has actually sued people using the trick of booking a flight that connects in your real destination. For instance, people would buy a cheap last minute flight from New York to LAX. The flight will have a layover in Denver. Since the passenger originally only wanted to go to Denver in the first place, the passenger would just leave the airport once they get to Denver and just not tell anyone. Airlines have been cracking down on this hack and even sued some passengers doing this. The airline wasn’t successful in the court ruling. The court said that the passenger had breached the contract, however the airline’s dilemma was how much they were seeking for damages. The court couldn’t agree with how the airline calculated the fees. Essentially they pulled a number out of the air (No pun intended) so the courts ruled there was no loss to the airline. I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m not interested in going to court just to save about $100 bucks on a flight. Also, it’s really impolite to cause a flight delays to the other passengers because the crew refuses to close the door because they are to busy tying to find the passenger who seem to have just disappeared. It’s an awful way to book cheap last minute flights.
Always try to book flights as far in advance as possible, but if that is not possible book cheap last minute flights by using 1 or more of these options and you will be smooth sailing, as cheap as possible, like a king...
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