Fear of Traveling Overseas | Passport Kings

Fear of Traveling Overseas | Passport Kings


Hodophobia is the fear of traveling overseas

For many people, the fear of traveling overseas is a major deterrent to experiencing new cultures and exploring new parts of the world. 

However, overcoming this fear can be an enriching experience with some effort and a bit of courage. Let's eliminate hodophobia and these other fears many people have when deciding to travel overseas.

The dread of traveling is known as hodophobia. 

The phobia manifests in a number of different ways, including hesitancy to travel to new places to near-inability to leave the home. 

People have various phobias, but hodophobia more commonly manifests as avoidance of or hesitance to use a variety of means of transportation, including planes and trains. 

Symptoms of Hodophobia like all phobias, hodophobia often provokes physical symptoms, such as an extreme fear of closed spaces as well as also a fear of traveling. 

fear of traveling to foreign countries
fear of traveling away from home
What is the fear of traveling overseas called? 
Fear of traveling on a plane
Fear of being alone in  a foreign country

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Alright! So the first misconception is that people in other countries don't like Americans and/or Black Americans

If every time you think of traveling to a foreign land, you cringe in fear because, in your head, you envision being backed into a corner, surrounded by a bunch of money and blood-thirsty racists, who will kill you if you make one false move you've watched to much TV.


If your first thought is they will see to it that they throw you in some filthy jail,
for a crime, you didn't even commit!

Or, for some petty crime like Britney Griner's 0.7 ounces of CBD, you may just be paranoid. 

If you shudder at the thought that this forien land won't let you free until you come up with some UNGODLY amount of money... 

And that's the US cops before you even get on the plane
but then after you finally do get a foreign country you may encounter the
same environment plus you won't be able to speak the native language
and you won't be able to communicate with anyone while going through that fiasco
but yo, let me explain a term to you called "unwarranted
propaganda." It's the tendency to make huge predictions
about the future on the basis of a few small
facts! Now, this is a common fallacy! Now most Americans would tell you that the
United States
is the safest place on the globe.They'll tell you that it's the "BESTEST" the RICHEST
and the FAIREST land of them all. But you know what? To be honest, in a lot of cases they
will actually be right...
but let's not go overboard because
if we were to eliminate the propaganda altogether we'd understand that
Switzerland actually has the lowest crime rate recorded
but more importantly to a Passport King the safest counties for tourist
is Norway, New Zealand,
Austria, Netherlands, Singapore
Iceland, Hong Kong, and Finland! But, I'll be honest...
that last is hardly a list of places that
I can't wait to see it. But my point is the USA is not even
on that list! Not to mention, if you were to take into consideration,
that violent crime from criminals is not the scariest thing that could happen to
somebody like me
or you, in the US. Because me being a Black dude, I think a lot scarier things
happen to me
in the US than overseas drug wars that
I'm not involved in it! Like a cop turning his head lights on behind me while I'm driving
They've been known to plant things and be more nervous than me while having a weapon, a badge, and the trust of the United States to kill me!
And they're also known to instigate confrontations so they could feel the power that that badge affords them. and plus, fill the quota of arrests that that little town needs to financially survive! Because me, I know of some towns that would go bankrupt in a week if there were no arrests or probation payments. another thing that we American dudes need to be afraid of is getting some crazy lady pregnant! Or, being accused of getting some crazy lady pregnant and it's not even yours. then have some child support agency tracking you down taking all assets you've built off your own back throw you in jail and divide up the money between those women and the court system. not to mention some chick that gets a kick out of the fact that the Prison Industrial Complex has claimed another victim here's another thing that you should be more afraid of, than being involved in some crazy ole drug war overseas TRAFFIC STOPS! Cops are killing people over traffic stops these days! And, I don't want to be a part of that! YES, overseas places have overbearing cops and they also have people that are poor and are looking for a way to get some money But it's absolutely worse when the people that are supposed to be protecting you
is actually shooting you in the back while you're trying to run for safetyAnd what's the old thing?"Oh, if he wasn't running, He's not #%^&#@$ guilty. Well you know what? Trayvon Martin wasn't running and he still got shot! Alright! So, stop with the "If he wasnt running stuff" So that ends...
my video, sorry I got a little bit passionate there.
That ends my video of the misconceptions that people need to get over
before they start traveling. Listen you go into another country you gonna be
the guest in another people's land. Imagine if somebody came to your house
and they were a guest from another country. Would you really
treat them so terribly? HUH? No you would'nt and you may be thinking. "oh,l that's because I an American" but guess what?
Americans are not the nicest people on this planet! Sorry to burst your bubble but
we really aren't, man.
So, if you go into somebody else's house or if you go into somebody else's land
and they see that you're not from there, and you're trying to communicate with them
or try to get like,
a, just a conversation from them so you caneither find where you're going,
let them take you around and show you some places that you wouldn't have
known about
if you weren't from that land guess what? They'll do it you know why? Because
usually people are nice people and like I said on my very first video
we all want the same things man. We want to be able to take care of our children
We want to be able to have a nice place to live - We want to be able to travel
back to forth to where we need to go.
That's the end of this episode of Passport Kings. What I would like you to do,
is go to my Facebook page and like my page. My Facebook page is:
Like my page, leave a message
Go to one of my Groups. Come to my page. My name is Roklan.. thats ROK LAND
is my last name and leave a message
and also check out my videos every Wednesday on YouTube. Tha'ts
YOUTUBE/C/PASSPORTKINGS and I will be SURE to put up a new video every week. So enjoy the show
and have a good day and thanks for coming to Passport Kings once again.
I'm Roklan and I'm out. Peace!
And you know what?
when you walk through the streets
and you're not afraid of everything that's coming at you,
Which can also happen in any US city, that's when, in your heart, you'll feel like a King
I'll see ya'll later. Peace out!
you incrined...
Alright so the first mishcrenscreption is...
...that i'm not involved in...1 Second...
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